Prime Tuition
Coronavirus Safety Guidelines
We are following the Government guideline for Primary schools, childcare providers and further education settings in regards to the safety of students, parents and teachers.
We are taking the following important actions to help prevent the spread of the virus:
We are only teaching a small number of students in the centre at a given time.
Students attend in "bubbles" which reduce contact with other students.
Only students and parents without Coronavirus symptoms will be allowed to attend.
Students will be seated at 2m distances from each other.
Hands will be sanitised at the start and end of the lesson.
Keyboards and surfaces are cleaned and disinfected before and after each lesson.
The wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) / face coverings or masks at primary schools are not recommended according to the government guidelines. All the teachers at Prime Tuition will however be wearing face masks during the lesson or at close proximity to any student.
Parents are recommended to wear masks when collecting their children and students are allowed to use it at their own discretion, but it will not be compulsory.